Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Finally a Cure for Psoriasis?

Psoriasis Specialist Treatment in Delhi NCR India

Psoriasis- An auto immune condition is characterized by excessive skin formation leading to red, raised skin patches with silver scales. Notorious for seasonal aggravations, the patches tend to flare up during winter season. Other factors that lead to a flare up in the disease are dryness either during summers or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Dryness is the psoriasis patient’s enemy.

For years Psoriasis specialist doctors in India and dermatologist have struggled to find a cure for Psoriasis. Before diving into a cure cure for Psoriasis let us understand a few factors that lead to Psoriasis.

1. Genetic factors
2. High stress
3. Metabolic conditions
4. Thyroid
5. Poor sleep
6. Poor diet

After carefully understanding the causes of Psoriasis, Psoriasis doctors treatment in India, Dr Shailender Dhawan has formulated unique external oil for the remission of Psoriasis. This Psoriasis doctor in India came up with an oil called Psorcure oil for the best Psoriasis treatment in India. In order to reduce the size of scales, most dermatologists use vitamin D3. The herbal remedy used at Kayakalp for Psoriasis treatment in India is much more effective than calcipotriol used by dermatologists.

Dr. Shaw conducted a study to establish the effectiveness of Psorcure oil compared to old treatment methods. What he found was groundbreaking.

25 chronic Plaque Psoriatic patients were chosen based on redness, scales level and PASI score to maintain uniformity. PASI score was determined separately for left and right side of every patient’s body. The scores were 20.1 and 20.3 respectively.

Investigations conducted before and after the test were biochemical and haematological including- WBC count, total calcium and phosphate, ALP, Creatinin and total proteins.

Each patient was given calcipotriol ointment on the right side and Psorcure oil on left side. After application, left power was exposed to sunlight for fifteen minutes. No other treatment was allowed during the trial.

Out of 25 patients: 3 defaulted, 3 worsened on calcipotriol and one developed rashes with Psorcure.

PASI score after 6 weeks

Calcipotriol Group: 3.8
Psorcure oil: 2.8 [Reduction of 90% in PASI score]
At the end of a three month observation period lesions appeared in 50% of patients on Calcipotriol but only 5% patients on Psorcure oil.

Psoriasis treatment in India has now reached new highs due to dedicated efforts of Dr. Dhawan. Psoriasis patients in the world now have a chance to treat their diseases with a very high remission rate. Old conventional methods of treatment are now being challenged by psoriasis ayurvedic specialist Dr. Dhawan.

Harmless to say that Dr. Dhawan’s treatment plan has successfully treated 1500 patients. What is a successful treatment you ask? Not one single patient has reported any major reappearance off psoriatic condition after getting cured. You can see complete analysis of his patients.

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