Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What Causes Psoriasis?

What causes Psoriasis, causes Psoriasis, Psoriasis doctor, Psoriasis treatment, Psoriasis treatment expert, Psoriasis, Kayakalpglobal

Some call it a mystery and some say it unknown. But our studies showed that it generally occurred in only those who had a genetic tendency. This tendency may cause the skin's immune system to react to 'triggers', which can cause inflammation in the body in the long run.

It may be hereditary i.e. already running in the family. It was also seen in our Studies at Kayakalp that certain types of medications or infections may also result in the condition or can seriously cause flare-ups.

Studies also revealed that Psoriasis was also linked to other health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Treatment @ KayaKalp Global

Kayakalp is one of the best in treatment of Psoriasis as we have developed one of the best and very special treatment plan for Psoriasis and it’s various. Our treatment majorly focuses on correcting the causes from deep inside so that no one stays affected because of Psoriasis. Psoriasis needs a multi-dimensional approach to treat the disorders.

Our package contains combinations of treatments which are mentioned below for your reference.
  1. Oral Medication to rectify the issues of PITTA doshas.
  2. Blood purifying specially formulated herbal tablets.
  3. Special Herbal Preparations to correct the immune deficiency.

To know about the psoriasis doctor, please feel free to give us a call. Our team of psoriasis treatment can be reached at +91-9599794433.

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